...movies based on TV shows!
So Star Trek was awesomeamazingandcool as expected and it inspired me to do what I do best---make a list! This list was kind of hard for me to make because apparently I don't really watch movies based on shows and I could only think of 5 that I've actually seen. So instead of Top Five, here are my Only Five:

Hmm, am I the only one who has trouble thinking of movies based on TV shows?
Tough list, only a couple other movies come to mind and they're based off Disney Channel shows! So that means...Hannah Montana and Lizzie McGuire (and yes, I saw both of them in theaters with my Disney-loving friends).
OooH! How could I forget Lizzie McGuire? I love that movie!
Was Hannah Montana good? It looked like a cute movie, but I have this unexplained "thing" against Miley Cyrus...
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